Being a working woman is bad for my wardrobe ... and I mean "bad for my wardrobe" in a "the engines cannae take it, captain!" kind of way, not in a "my wardrobe is too empty" kind of way.
But after a week of being all :|-faced in the office, you do feel the need for some whimsy. Polka dots and bright tights are the themes of my weekends.
Navy blue polka dot dress - New Look; purple jade necklace - gift from parents; grey and white polka dot cardigan + mauve tights - Marks & Spencer; white shoes with lavender ribbon ties - Robert Clergerie

Ruffle cardigan - Avellini; white lace T-shirt - Nic and Jess; deceptively worn-looking denim shorts - Quiksilver (all via TK Maxx)

This second set of photos is somewhat deceptive; besides the postbox-red tights, I wasn't actually wearing any of these clothes while going around this weekend. I was just trying them on in TK Maxx. I only bought the lace T-shirt in the end, though I suspect the outfit only looked nice because the lace T-shirt looked nice with the grunginess of the shorts. I've been wanting shorts but these were too big for me around the waist. Bye bye, shorts!
The other thing I bought at TK Maxx were evidence of a certain optimism on my part.

I've never been especially keen on the look of Birks, but they are pretty comfy, and I found the almost-apple-green shade of these attractive. (They are not quite Granny Smith green. Maybe they are pistachio?) They make me think of summer and shorts in pale colours. I then got quite concerned that I wouldn't know what to wear them with, since pale colours and shorts are pretty much the opposite of what predominates my wardrobe at the moment (lots of black and Srs Bzness clothes). A quick search on
Wardrobe Remix and turned up the following hints.
1. The best accessories for Birkenstocks are sunshine and bare legs.
Sheng Mae L.@ lookbook (incidentally I am in awe of how cool and comfortable this girl looks, considering this photo was taken in Malaysia!) 2. Simplicity is key. It spoils it if you look like it took ages to think of what to put on; Birks are a "throw 'em on and go" kind of shoe.
3. If you've got to break the bare legs rule, make sure you show a bit of ankle at least.
meligrosa again!
4. Nerd it up! Birkenstocks are not cool shoes. The sooner you embrace that fact, the better for all concerned.
Inspiring stuff! I'm all excited now. Forget the spring season -- roll on summer!
- Zen