It's Christmas morning guys! Sadly, Sam and I are not celebrating Christmas at home so we are celebrating it together. Steamboat, chiffon cream cake, christmas pudding, and playing Wii equals christmas for the lemms minus one. Zen, in the mean time is home with home cooked food and family.
Since my fingers hurt from playing too much Smash Brothers, I shall sit here and look for nice christmassy things. And I found things, well not things exactly, but Christmas images that we would love.
Sam was the easiest, I saw this and knew that she wold immediately love this and would die to have them all. Introducing Christmas with Sam's loved ones.

They are fluffy and lovable, like Sam. The duck with the reindeer hat is the cutest of the lot. And I would like one of Mario's mushroom too.
For Zen, it was tough. I didn't want to find anything clothes related because clothes adorned with a christmassy theme can be a bit lame and unoriginal. But lookie here,

The image comes from a 60s arts and craft magazine, thus explaining the bauble in her hand. because they were teaching the reader how to make a chirstmas baubles as well I believe. At first look it's a lovely christmassy skirt but no, look closer at the words, it's a holiday apron! I didn't know aprons were made like that but it does look really stylish. A great idea really if you want to spiff up a plain shift dress like the one the model is wearing. The hair is awesome too.
Another one which I thought funny was this.

Look ma, not only am I making our Christmas tree look like it was snowed in from non existent snow but it is now NOT a fire hazard. No need to worry when a candle falls.

Look ma, not only am I making our Christmas tree look like it was snowed in from non existent snow but it is now NOT a fire hazard. No need to worry when a candle falls.
As for myself, I went straight-a-hunting for Christmas food and found this.

Hummingbird Bakery is the world's best place if you feel generous enough for a trip to sugar land and back. Its cupcakes are moist enough to go with the icing and the icing is the best I've eaten so far. I believe they are relatively cheaper (by 50p maybe) compared to other cupcake places around London. I have not tried Magnolia Bakery but do let me know what you think if you've tried both.
A little bird told me that another great cupcake place is Lola's at Selfridges. Their christmas themed cupcakes are pretty clever, aptly names The Twelve Days of Christmas. I will try one day.

I can't imagine how this post has actually turned into a food post. Sorry guys, but now you know which places to eat when in London. (:
So yes, now I bid you farewell and good night. Eat well, sleep well and don't remember not to faint when you get a christmas present not worthy of an owner like you.
On behalf of the lemms, I wish you all a Merry Christmas from London!

p.s. Don't forget Boxing Day sales. We just can't wait!

75% off, here we come!
oh my gosh! That apron is so cute! What a cool idea. I bet it'd be easier to sew an overskirt like that than to whip up a whole new dress ... *inspired!*
Oh, that was me, btw. Sounds like you had a great Christmas -- wish I was there to celebrate it with you!
- Zen
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