My natural reaction towards parkas are that of posers, hobos and the homeless. I feel it's very hard to go out in a parka without looking like one of the three mentioned above, more specifically the homeless. I believe this is just me though, because I like to dress casual.
However, Korean brand Kai Aackmann changed my mind.

Kai-aakman is a contrasexual casual brand aspiring harmony of Animas and Anima, inspired by Carl Jung. Anima is the personification of all feminine psychological tendencies within a man, the archetypal feminine symbolism within a man's unconscious. The Animus is the personification of all masculine psychological tendencies within a woman, the archetypal masculine symbolism within a woman's unconscious.
The description itself already attracts me what more if you're selling me homeless parkas?Kai-aakman applies this perspective into fashion aesthetics. The true beauty deep in every human being's potential ambivalence is being reinterpreted into mix and match of..everything. Avant-garde dresses meet masculinely-tailored blazers, which could be matched with comfort baggy pants. You could see from comfort casual t-shirts with cute typographic play to feminine skirt, or masculine dress-pants. Black-and-white colors encounter aesthetic prints. Every color, fabric and item you could find in Kai-aakman collection is odd and fun, sleek and chic. No one can tell you what to wear or how to match with. Just enjoy playing mix-and-match of Kai-aakman's chic and fun outfits.

I know it doesn't look great here but look it has a similar campaign to Burberry's Art of the Trench. I don't know who followed who but it's an awesome one. I present to you, Art of the Parka.

First instinct tells me Sam would notice the dogs first before the parka itself. I love the quilted detail within the jacket and how she paired it with sport shoes and not look hobo. Because I definitely would.

This is my favourite style out of all of them. I am impressed at how versatile everything is. She puts on the jacket to play out a more causal look, takes it off and is immediately spiffy with the grey blazer.
Coincidentally, fishtail parkas (its specific name) were first used by the United States army in 1951 to protect soldiers from the elements of the Korean War. The originals are now lovingly collected at premium prices. Never knew that did you? Neither did I. I found out because when I started blogging, the word 'parka' completely slipped my mind and I had to wiki 'jacket' to jog my memory. Hence stumbling upon this lil' tidbit of information that might come in handy when you're in Who Wants to be a Millionaire or The Weakest Link. Don't forget to thank me.
Also, do check out Kai Aackmann's webby. They have some pretty interesting stuff. I especially love these.

If you're into K-dramas like me, the brand also dresses a lot of the leads. Korea's F4, Boys over Flowers are completely decked out in Kai Aackmann. Yummmmm.
- Sue
The unfortunate thing about parkas is that they only look cool when they're open so people can see what you're wearing underneath -- but you only need to wear a parka when it's so cold you have to zip it up!
- Zen
when i first read this post....i scrolled down n saw some amazingly cute doggies!!!! then i scrolled down some more and saw that you had pre-empted me -__-" aaaaaahhh you guys know me way too well...
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