As the title suggest, I've been shopping around for shoes. They are the easiest thing to shop for personally, just slip off, slip on, admire self in mirror and you start to think, whoa, I cannot leave this place without this, then off you go to the cashier to pay for your item.

Well, to be fair, shopping for shoes in Malaysia is a relatively safe exercise in Malaysia. Not too much money can be purged from the wallet if you practice control . Although I have to say, the quality of the shoes are never guaranteed. The shoes above were purchased within a 6 week period. There's another pair of flats somewhere in the house, but I forgot. I know they are all black but to be fair, most are for work.

For play, these I bought from a blogshop. My second purchase from a Malaysian blogshop. I bought it with another high waisted skirt which is not even worth mentioning. The quality was horrible! Yet I bought it because it was their top seller and they kept restocking. Plus customers kept writing really good reviews on the skirt! I was partly annoyed but thank goodness for the shoes. They were the shop's saving grace.

They are a little on the high side but they are really comfy! Exactly what the seller said. And I love the faux Louboutin red soles. The shoes were definitely a risk that paid off. By the way, Corea does really amazing faux Louboutin red soles but I didn't buy because there was not enough time :(

These. These are for work. I was bored when I was out with my mum so I was just randomly trying shoes, for fun. I didn't even like this pair. I thought it was slightly old looking, and they were like boat shoes, but not. I tired on the tan one and OMG, it was THE MOST COMFORTABLE PAIR OF SHOES on earth. Seriously, I totally fell in love with the comfort. And I was getting excited because damn, I can walk to work in these!

In the end I got the black pair because brown shoes are hard to pair with work clothes imho. These were slightly above my budget but they are made from leather and uber comf, so that justifies the price. Plus they were on sale so that's good.
Then the others which are slightly boring. The usual classic pumps and the pussy bow peep toe. The peep toes are slightly iffy for work though, so that's still a play shoe. I highly suggest going to nice looking shoe shops during sale time. The peep toes are from the Sembonia boutique and they were half off. At less than RM50 a pair the quality is 2 times better than the other 'Malaysian high street' shoes shops.
I meant to write this before I left for Corea by syaing that my next goal was to look for nude pumps or heels in Corea, but alas. Shopping in Corea is really fun but at the same time not so fun when they don't place price tags. Fortunately or unfortunately for me, I did most of my shopping on the first day. So I was a bit cautious with the shoes because most of them had no price tags. I was afraid they'd slaughter me because I was a foreigner. I would have to say you should expect to pay slightly more than say £10 for a pair of nice pumps. What you pay is what you get because the quality is brilliant. And for the variety, you really get your money's worth.
Thankfully, I walked past a shoe shop in their underpass that advertised their shoes going for 20,000 won. That's around £11.

Aren't they lovely?

I love how the bow accessory is made of metal and coated in gold. The best thing about shopping in Corea is the service. The shoe was actually slightly big for me and I almost refrained myself from buying it for that reason but the guy immediately handed me a sole to try on. I thought, oh, okay if it fits with a sole I can use my soles from home. So it did and I bought it. But the guy actually helped me insert the sole into the shoes, hidden from all to see! So now I can just slip my foot in without any trouble! I was like, whoaaaa, this was not a high end shop. It was just a normal tiny shop filled with shoes. In fact it was bursting with shoes but still organised according to your size. And they polished my shoes for me before handing them over. I was definitely impressed.
Shoe shopping in Corea checked. Next up, clothes, accessories, bags and why shopping in Corea is so much fun!